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Group Fitness

Wellness Programs offers a variety of group classes that are free to the campus community and members, including ALL yoga classes. Every class welcomes participants of all backgrounds and experience levels. There’s no need to look a certain way or achieve a certain level of strength, endurance or flexibility; you can come as you are! Ready to join us? Look at our schedule below.

Class Descriptions

This class alternates high intensity bursts of cardio with body sculpting exercises. The ultimate body-shaping, fat-burning, and strength training class!

Spinning, is a unique indoor stationary cycling program that is one of the hottest classes in the local community.  This class is for people of all ages and fitness levels and is NOT just a “hard-core” fitness program for elite athletes.  Although not required, bring a water bottle, your bike shorts and bike shoes.  *Limited to 15 patrons. – Schedule TBD

Styled as a Zumba-like class, fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt the body, while burning fat.

This class provides a full-body workout incorporating single and compound exercises to target major muscle groups. This class will strengthen, tone, and condition the entire body to help develop a strong foundation and serve as a supplement to any training program. Each class provides a variety of exercises, perfect for a wide-range of fitness levels!

This 30-minute class is quick and effective, perfect for lunch or mid-day break! Designed to build core muscle groups while improving posture through exercises that strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back. This class is a great addition to any fitness routine! All fitness levels welcome!

Combines the best of Yoga flow (Vinyasa) and Core Workout, to strengthen the core while lengthening and invigorating the entire body. These classes are mixed level- the instructor offers options for both brand-new beginners and seasoned students in the same class, in an ongoing flow of movement. You can make the class just the right level of challenge and ease that you need each day. You will soon notice changes in what you can do and how you feel.

The main focus of Restorative Yoga is to relax the body. Restorative yoga classes are very relaxing and slow paced. It enables deep relaxation as you hold poses for longer periods of time with the help of props to completely support you. Props are used so that you are supported in your pose comfortably. You will then hold the pose for an extended period of time. This practice is great for anyone looking to slow down, to relieve stress, to calm the excessive mind chatter, or even those recovering from injuries. Restorative yoga is beneficial for insomnia and promoting deep sleep. This practice can be done on your bed.

No yoga experience needed!

Props needed 3-4 bed pillows and small blankets. Please make your space as peaceful as possible. Feel free to dim lights, light candles or play soft music.

An upright pool workout that focuses on aerobic intensity and muscle toning. Swimming itself is not included in the workout. Join us for a low – to no – impact workout!

Here are some additional offerings if you qualify through the Silver Sneakers program:

Silver Sneakers: Facebook Live events

Silver Sneakers: On-Demand


For questions regarding Group fitness classes or instruction please contact the Director of Wellness programs and Facility Operations